Friday, July 18, 2008

Error in Seeking Alpha Article

For those of you who read my recent post on Seeking Alpha, a math error was pointed out to me (it was a late night and Excel was not my friend). The point still remains the same, but the numbers are much more reasonable - here is the revised chart:

CGW -13.22%
CGW -13.22%
EVX -2.86%
DBA 44.88%
GEX 14.39%
DSI -20.61%
PBD -3.54%
EVX -2.86%
PBW -9.06%
EWZ 30.05%
PHO -4.65%
FXA 11.99%
PUW -8.91%
PAXHX -6.67%
PZD 2.41%
PBD -3.54%

PZD 2.41%
S&P 500 -19.69%
UDN 12.04%

S&P 500 -19.69%

Overall: -3.18%
Overall: 5.45%
v S&P: 16.51%
v S&P: 25.14%

The overall performance was -3.18% versus the overall performance of 5.45% in the diversified portfolio, an 8.63% swing.

That looks MUCH better, I was wondering what happened! Don't let my late night typos fool you, the strategy still works, especially in the long run. Thanks to imagomundi for catching the error!

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