Friday, July 11, 2008

Green Report Card: 2Q2008

For basic retail investors, there are a lot of mutual fund options for green. We at Smug have steadily been analyzing some of them, at least in a superficial way (and in some more in depth ways), but with so many coming out, it makes sense to review them all in one place. Smug has created a basic scoring system that incorporates a combination of historical returns, risk measures (alpha, beta, R-squared, etc.), expense ratios, and front/back end load. It penalizes the youngest funds for the most part, but avoids overweighting funds simply for longevity. It's a good place to start if you don't know what you're looking for, and it combines some of our favorite green and socially responsible investments.

The first report card is below. If there are funds that you know of that don't appear, feel free to comment and let me know, we're more than happy to assess every green based asset.

Ticker Fund Score YTD 1 Month 3 Month 1 Year 3 Year 5 Year Expense
PAXHX Pax World High Yield A 12 1.67% 0.82% 3.17% 1.70% 7.07% 7.43% 1.00%
NALFX New Alternatives Fund A 6 -3.35% 4.30% 14.45% 5.00% 22.46% 19.82% 0.95%
TICRX TIAA CREF Social Choice Equity 6 -2.05% 2.43% 7.02% -6.31% N/A N/A 0.21%
AECOX Allianz RCM Global EcoTrends Fund A 5 -8.00% 4.39% 15.50% 22.77% N/A N/A %
SPEGX Spectra Green Fund 4.5 -9.53% 0.73% 3.74% 2.07% 15.93% 13.55% 1.24%
PARWX Parnassus Workplace Fund 3 3.39% 3.41% 11.07% 1.45% 8.69% N/A 1.20%
VFTSX Vanguard FTSE Social Index Fund 3 -4.97% 1.81% 6.18% -13.80% 3.97% 6.62% 0.24%
CGAEX Calvert Global Alternative Energy Fund 2 -5.95% 4.62% 16.73% 22.33% N/A N/A 1.85%
PORTX Portfolio 21 Fund A 2 -1.95% 2.95% 6.06% -4.21% 14.16% 15.21% 1.50%
SMCNX SAM Sustainable Climate Fund 2 -2.66% 5.56% 13.30% N/A N/A N/A %
CSIBX Calvert Social Investment Fund Bond 1 -0.15% -0.19% -0.99% 5.12% 4.04% 4.66% 1.11%
WGGFX Winslow Green Growth A 0.5 -16.99% 6.23% 6.75% -6.68% 12.42% 15.85% 1.45%
ARFFX Ariel Focus Fund 0 0.64% 0.82% 6.05% -7.66% N/A N/A 1.25%
DUPFX Domini European PacAsia Social Equity A 0 -4.84% 0.86% 4.78% -10.28% N/A N/A 1.58%
DEUFX Domini European Social Equity A 0 -5.78% 0.33% 4.53% -13.72% N/A N/A 1.60%
DPAFX Domini PacAsia Social Equity A 0 -3.47% -0.10% 4.71% -2.14% N/A N/A 1.59%
DSEFX Domini Social Equity A 0 -3.24% 1.47% 8.05% -10.56% 5.07% 7.35% 1.08%
GAAEX Guiness Atkinson Alternative Energy A 0 -7.45% 2.87% 13.51% 4.25% N/A N/A 1.64%
PGRNX Paw World Global Green Fund 0 N/A 4.40% N/A N/A N/A N/A %
PXINX Pax World International Fund 0 N/A 2.68% N/A N/A N/A N/A %
PXWEX Pax World Women's Equity A 0 -2.41% 2.09% 6.28% 1.22% 6.39% 8.45% 1.29%
SMWNX SAM Sustainable Water Fund 0 -1.11% 4.48% 6.99% N/A N/A N/A %
WGSLX Winslow Green Solutions A 0 -8.88% 3.81% 8.66% N/A N/A N/A 1.45%
MPIAX MMA Praxis International Fund -1 -4.34% 1.37% 5.13% -1.12% 14.38% 15.79% 1.72%
GCBLX Green Century Balanced Fund -1 -4.05% 0.93% 2.73% -5.14% 4.60% 8.11% 1.44%
GCEQX Green Century Equity Fund -1 -4.64% 1.57% 5.87% -8.68% 4.73% 6.93% 0.95%
CSXAX Calvert Social Index Fund -2 -5.17% 1.49% 5.94% -9.13% 4.87% 6.89% 0.75%
CSIEX Calvert Social Investment Fund Equity -2 -0.93% 2.38% 7.72% 2.77% 7.79% 8.51% 1.21%
CWVGX Calvert World Values International Equity Fund -2 -1.62% 1.86% 8.50% -8.24% 13.61% 15.15% 1.60%
MYPVX Citizen's Sustainable Core Opprotunity Fund -2 -7.22% 1.69% 3.27% -10.04% 6.95% 10.16% 1.29%
CSIFX Calvert Social Investment Fund Balanced -3 -2.29% 1.07% 2.89% -3.65% 4.49% 6.22% 1.19%
CAAPX Ariel Appreciation Fund -3 -3.60% 1.94% 4.66% -14.83% 3.40% 7.91% 1.12%
DSBFX Domini Social Bond Fund -4 0.76% -0.70% -1.77% 5.81% 3.42% 2.66% 0.95%
SCFSX Sierra Club Stock Fund -4 -4.75% 1.88% 4.64% -12.92% 3.17% 6.71% 1.26%
BCIIX Brown Capital Management International Inst -5 -10.06% 0.16% -0.08% -10.62% 11.96% 16.18% 2.00%
CMIFX Calvert Social Investment Fund Enhanced -5 -3.14% 1.76% 5.85% -10.51% 4.38% 6.91% 1.20%
CRATX CRA Qualified Investment Retail (CRAIX) -5 0.26% -0.78% -1.11% 5.06% N/A N/A 1.00%
WAEGX Citizen's Emerging Growth Standard -8 -4.58% 2.90% 6.68% -5.94% 8.33% 10.45% 1.88%
ARGFX Ariel Fund -9 -8.47% 1.31% 0.83% -20.24% 0.02% 7.88% 1.03%

And this quarter's top scorers in the Smug Asset Categories are:

Category YTD Ret Ave Score Best Bet Name
Agriculture 0.00% 0.00

Bond 0.64% 1.00 PAXHX Pax World High Yield A
Diversity -2.41% 0.00 PXWEX Pax World Women's Equity A
Eco Reserve 0.00% 0.00

Energy -6.70% 1.00 CGAEX Calvert Global Alternative Energy Fund
Low Carbon 0.00% 0.00

Real Estate 0.00% 0.00

Recycle -8.88% 0.00 WGSLX Winslow Green Solutions A
Social -3.87% (1.18) TICRX TIAA CREF Social Choice Equity
Technology 0.00% 0.00

Total Green -6.20% 2.70 NALFX New Alternatives Fund A
Water -1.11% 0.00 SMWNX SAM Sustainable Water Fund

Obviously, it's been a tough year, mostly recently. That's why asset allocation matters (see our previous posts here, here, and here).

Note that this information is culled from various third party sources and we cannot vouch for its accuracy. Also note that the scoring system is a Smug model and subject to change in future posts.

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